A (kinda) break from sweets
This is about what I eat. Skip if that’s not your jam.
I’m all for moderation in my diet. Nothing is off limits. I’m doing this for the long haul and restrictions don’t work for me.
I’d been feeling out of control with sweets in August and into September. My usual one piece of chocolate wasn’t cutting it. I was wanting more and more, and eating more and more, and feeling out of control. Almost bingey. It worried me.
So I did something drastic. I stopped eating sweets on September 7th. Note, I said eating them, because I still make (and drink) a chai once to twice a day that is FULL of sugar. And when I say “sweets” I don’t mean natural sugar in fruit, the brown sugar I sometimes add to my oatmeal, or the gels/chews I eat when I work out. Sweets as in chocolate, candy, cookies, etc.
I should probably cut this down to one chai in the morning because I am having a hard time falling asleep at night and wonder if the caffeine in the afternoon chai has anything to do with it
I figured I would do this until someone offered me a vegan sweet treat or I traveled and wanted to try one (like this weekend when I go to Sookies in Madison).
Surprisingly, it’s been really easy. Probably because I’m still getting so much (too much?) sugar in the other things I consume throughout the day.
And not surprisingly, I feel physically great.
Now I just need to decide how long I want to do this. And see if having a sweet treat after abstaining for a while sets me off and gets me right back to why I started this. I hope not, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if it did, sigh.
I wanna fly
A couple months after Steven started his flight lessons, he asked if I’d ever want to come along. I was surprised – I didn’t think they’d want an extra person hanging out in the back!
I was also like “What would be the point of me going? Wouldn’t that be… boring for me?” Ha.
For real though. Some lessons they just land 10 times in a row to work on landings.
But ever since we flew to Guttenberg I have been dying to go back up. Being in the sky in a small plane reignited an excitement I hadn’t felt in ages. I was giddy. I absolutely loved it.
So please, take me up in the air, and do whatever the lesson is. I will be back there with a dumb grin on with my face plastered to the window.
(I was going to go with Steven yesterday but his lesson was rained out, womp womp)
Young Kim in a cockpit
When I was young I wanted to be a pilot. That obviously went nowhere, but for years Steven and I have discussed how we’d love to learn how to fly. I’m pumped he’s learning now (as anyone who’s talked to me in person knows because I won’t shut up about it), and am so excited for all our future flight adventures together.
I do have to say though, I wonder if I will always be a passenger or if I will want to learn as well. We’ll see! I’m honestly not sure if I have the level of focus required. But you never know!
Summer 2023
I think this is the first time (as an adult) I’ve been sad that summer is coming to an end. Woo hoo! That’s progress!
In the past I’ve always been moody about the hot weather, especially once we get to August. I’ve just been ready for fall and short days and hibernation and not leaving the house and shutting down.
But this year I tried to make the most of the end of summer – by doing all the outdoor things in Denver (ball game, farmers market, paddleboarding), flying to Iowa to play in the river, eating ice cream and walking around the harbor, going to the airshow, etc. etc.
And I’ve really enjoyed it! We had such a nice summer overall. We ran a 5K, we (sort of) took care of our first garden, we went to the river (4 times for me, 3 times for Steven), I did RAGBRAI, I got to go to Denver for work and spend several days with friends, I got to fly with Steven, again – etc. etc.
So strangely, this year, I find myself feeling a bit sad that our days are getting shorter and cooler. But it sounds like I’ve figured out the key to really enjoying my time is doing fun things with family and friends paired with some weekends off, and we have a lot of that planned for the fall too. So, yay!
(Also, this summer seemed really mild, and I was out of town when it was in the high 90s here with “feels like” in the 110s, ha)
(Also, I have such an itch to travel and “do things” after the pandemic, and I feel more grateful for them than before – I’m sure that’s having an impact here as well)
Random Product Recommendation: Erase Your Face
When I was out with coworkers a few weeks ago we discussed skin care routines and I said I use a disposable makeup wipe to remove my makeup and wanted to look into something more earth-friendly to use, and a coworker told me about Erase Your Face towels (affiliate link, not sponsored).
I thought to myself “there’s no way these will get my eyeshadow off.” I have never been able to get it off with water and a cloth before! I always had to use a wipe!
But lo and behold, these towels somehow work! There must be some magic in the material? The box says 100% polyester, but they’re so soft and feel great on my skin. All I have to do is add warm water and it removes everything! (And maybe some chemical with a regular towel would do the same? I never tried.)
So if you’re super basic about your skincare, like me, and want something reusable to take your makeup off, check these out! It was under $10 for 4 when I bought them.
Random Thoughts Thursday 422
- I took my 11th WWM Fitness class yesterday! I’m enjoying them, and am getting a great workout. Yay! I’m so glad I gave it a try last month. I’m currently aiming for 2-3 classes a week.
- I really enjoy being the student in a group fitness class and NOT the teacher. I don’t miss teaching at all. I got back the only thing I missed about it – the camaraderie. And now that I’m a student I’ve made some realizations – like I don’t care what music is played as long as it’s upbeat and loud, and that technology (being able to use an app to sign up for classes, the way the timers in class work) is so helpful.
- I’ve been curious about acupuncture for several years, and a video (not about acupuncture, it was just mentioned) I watched this week gave me the final kick to look into it. I know a lot of people try it for chronic pain, but I’m curious to see if it helps me feel relaxed/less anxious, and if it can help with an imbalance on my left side at all. (And I got the okay to try it from my pharmacist yesterday)
- I hate that finding out about potential work travel makes me panic about working out. I know I’ll work out when I travel. I’ve done it many times. But my mind still panics. And if I didn’t work out for a few days?! Not a big deal! Gah. Come on, brain.
- I’ve been thinking about getting highlights for my hair. I haven’t dyed it since 2002 (on my own – I’ve never had it dyed professionally).
- I forgot to mention we watched A Few Good Men last week (it dropped 50% in price so we bought it) for work movie club. I can’t believe I had never seen it! Whoa. What an intense movie. I enjoyed it, although I felt like it ended a bit abruptly.
- I’ve mentioned this before but I can’t wait until I get an annual leave increase in December. 52 more hours off a year!
- I feel like audiobooks are a life hack everyone knew about and I didn’t understand. I’m getting so much more reading done now that I listen to a book while I drive, shop, work out, etc.
People don’t know what you don’t tell them
I finished a book yesterday that I didn’t really care for (Woke Up Like This) but one section made me feel so angry for the main character (Charlotte) that I had to share it here.
Don’t read this if you plan to read the book, because, spoilers.
Charlotte is talking to her stepmother about Charlotte’s deceased father, who she didn’t have a great relationship with. The stepmother gives Charlotte a box of items her father had keep from Charlotte’s childhood. Charlotte is shocked he had all these items, because he acted so disinterested in her life, and says so to her stepmother.
The stepmother says something along the lines of, “He was so proud of you. He always bragged about your accomplishments to anyone who would listen!” And Charlotte tells her she had no idea.
Later, Charlotte has brunch with her father (did I mention this is a time travel book?) and tells him how all she’s ever wanted to do was make him proud, but could never seem to. He tells her he’s always been proud, and thought she knew. She tells him she didn’t, and how was she supposed to if he never told her?
GAH. The part about him bragging about her to anyone/everyone but showing no interest in her life to HER made me absolutely RAGEY because it’s so real and relatable. I didn’t even like this character, or book, and I felt frustrated for her. The bragging implies an involvement in the relationship that doesn’t exist, and the dad gets to feel good without putting any work in. It seems so disingenuous. (Of course, I only have the child perspective on this, since we don’t have kids. I do somewhat get that her dad would rather brag about what he hears about her than say “I haven’t seen her in a year and we don’t talk.”)
Then for him to just assume she knew he was proud of her? How the hell would she know? She never sees her dad (part of that is on her) for physical clues. She probably doesn’t even know her mother is telling him about all her accomplishments.
I know it doesn’t come naturally to many to say how they feel, particularly in older generations. It’s hard work. Especially when it’s something bad, and not just “I’m proud of you.”
And hey, in case you hadn’t guessed it by now, Words of Affirmation is my love language, and that’s not everyone’s, so maybe other people don’t care about this as much? But surely, most people might like a little validation from their parents? Maybe?
Eh, maybe not. Maybe I am odd in that I get worked up about this.
BUT. If there is one good thing I got out of the book, it’s the reminder that people don’t know what you don’t tell them. People cannot read one another’s minds. Communication is hard, but important. Lasting relationships rely on honest communication.
I feel like I could keep going with inappropriate-to-share personal examples so I’ll stop here and get off my soapbox!
Reading Update (2023 #47-49)
[47] The American Roommate Experience by Elena Armas
Fiction / Romance / Multicultural & Interracial, part 2 of The Spanish Love Deception, audiobook
Synopsis: Rosie can’t stay at her apartment because the ceiling caved in, and decides to crash at her friend Lina’s until it’s fixed, since Lina is out of the country for a few weeks. But then Lina’s cousin Lucas unexpectedly shows up to stay there as well – Lucas, the surfer, from Spain, who Rosie has had a secret crush on ever since she first saw his photo. They come to an agreement that they’ll both stay in the studio apartment, and when Rosie confides in Lucas that she is struggling to write her second romance novel because she hasn’t felt a romance spark in ages, he offers to take her on “experimental” dates until she gets it back. I can’t make this sh*t up. Ha.
Review: Ugh, I listened to this on audio, and it was my first audio book with dual narrators, and the male narrator was so cheesy it was distracting and took away from the enjoyment of the book. I literally rolled my eyes each time it was his chapter and he said “chapter whatever, Lucas.” Gah. It sounded like he was trying to do some sexy whisper voice and it was NOT doing it for me.
This also felt like it drug out a bit too long. And major eyerolls at the big miscommunication at the end. I wonder if I am finally getting sick of romances, or if I was just so annoyed with the male narrator. I am definitely a little over the “these feel like real feelings but we are just pretending so they can’t be” narrative.
Recommend? No, but if it sounds good to you, maybe skip the audio version
[48] Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld
Contemporary Romance, heard about from Stephany, read on Kindle
Synopsis: Sally’s been a writer on The Night Owls (think SNL) for ten years and loves the chaos and energy of working there, and the close friends she’s made. It hasn’t left her much time for a personal (read: romantic) life, but she’s fine with occasional hook-ups. She thinks it’s ridiculous that so many of her dorky, average male coworkers have hooked up with (and even married) the uber successful gorgeous women that have hosted or been a musical guest on the show. She’s convinced that would never happen in reverse – a beautiful successful man being interested in an average female writer – but when musical guest/host Noah Brewster comes for a week, they have an undeniable connection.
Review: I have a lot of thoughts about this book. Mostly that I ended up LOVING it, but that it was a ride to get there.
The beginning of the ride involved me being annoyed it took until 25% into the book for these characters to connect that they liked each other. But I realized I’m just so used to the regular romance formula. It was actually nice to spend a large chunk of the beginning of the book getting to know Sally and Noah and getting a fun behind the scenes look at running The Night Owls. I loved all the details on the mechanics of the show.
The middle section, which is emails between Sally and Noah, was really hard for me. I read emails all day at work and don’t want to read them for pleasure. Thankfully I got through that fast.
And the ending was what made it a 5-star read for me. I don’t want to give it away, but Noah’s character is so sweet, kind, patient, and endearing, and Sally grows so much throughout the book (I really appreciated her “I was going to say this funny probably snarky thing, but said this instead” narration). I was really rooting for these two. I think I would actually read this again. At least, the third part.
Other interesting factors – the book leans in heavy to the pandemic, which made it feel more real to me, since it’s so recent. And the book has a Kansas City connection that resonated with me because I have been there so much (Steven is from there).
Recommend? Yes
[49] Shift by Hugh Howey
Fiction / Dystopian, second in the series, listened to on Libby
Synopsis: This book is part two in the “Silo” series, where a bunch of folks live in a huge silo underground, but don’t know why, and are discouraged to leave. I don’t want to give anything away, so I will just share that this book goes into the history of why they’re in the silo, and the early days in the silo.
Review: This is such an interesting topic, but gosh, this book is so damn long. And again, with the long descriptive sections traveling silo stairwells. GAH. I wonder if it would have felt less boring if I was reading it on my Kindle and not listening to it while I worked out? Perhaps. I was thinking about skipping book 3 but things finally started to come together in the third part of the book, and I saw book 3 is only ten hours, so I’ll probably listen to it.
Recommend? No
Feel Like A Million
I’m doing a federal employee fitness challenge with some coworkers at work, and I have to say, now that I actually get how it works, I’m pretty impressed with how robust and well balanced it is. Instead of just focusing on physical activity, you earn most of your “dollars” (similar to points, but dollars, because the challenge is called Feel Like A Million) from getting enough sleep, suspending judgement, having a meaningful connection, doing an outside morning activity, and eating balanced meals. (The dollars don’t pay out to anything at the end of the challenge – it’s just for motivation.)
Each of those core items is worth $10,000, so if you do all 5 each day, you earn $50,000. You can earn up to $25,000 more a day for adding physical activity, for a max of $75,000 a day, but physical activity won’t make up for missing one of the core items. So if I did a long run but didn’t get enough sleep, I could only earn $65,000 for the day (since I am filling it out honestly, ha).
This really makes me think about balance, and all the things that are important to being healthy beyond physical activity. As someone who has been so focused on physical activity only for many years, this is a really good mind shift.
And honestly, starting to do this challenge while I was in Denver and seeing I could never max out on dollars is what encouraged me to make sure I get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Which I did not last night:
Womp womp. I’m doing better with sleep overall though!
The app also has daily trivia, tips, recipes, a chat board, a leaderboard, etc etc. And I LOVE that it’s an app that syncs to my Garmin. It makes it so much easier for me to log on the daily.
I’m glad my coworker Rebecca invited me to join her team. I will be a bit bummed when the challenge ends on October 1!
Back to journaling
I keep running across the prompt “do you journal” on the blogosphere and Instagram. And I always answer along the lines of, “yeah, I journal! I’ve been journaling online on my blog for 18+ years!”
I actually did start this written journal on August 1 that a friend gave me for my birthday!
But is this really journaling?
It’s a sort of journaling. The censored sort where you write things you are fine with anyone reading.
But it’s not a journal in the sense that those prompts imply. Those prompts are often talking about journaling for self-help, self-discovery, self-fill in the blank. And that’s not what I’m doing pubicly here, even though I do spew random thoughts, all about me, 99% of the time.
All that to say, I’d like to journal a bit more. I’d like to write whatever comes to mind and not edit it, or think twice about publishing it.
So I plan to do that a bit more here, but make it private, so it’s only for me.
Why even share this plan since y’all will never see those posts? Just in case you wondered where the boring weekend recap went – I’m moving it to private (similar to what I did with the training recap). Those documentation posts are purely for me. I’ll share if I actually do something I deem “interesting,” like the airshow yesterday.
I’m looking forward to more stream of consciousness unedited writing!
We went to the Northern Illinois Airshow today, and really enjoyed it!
We’ve seen signs for the show the 7+ years we’ve lived here, and always said “we should go to that” but never did. It makes sense we finally went this year – it’s at the airport Steven flies out of, and his instructor was working it. And we’re a little more interested in planes now.
The last two days were so overcast and would have been crummy if it was show day, but we had completely clear blue skies today, yay! It was a beautiful summer day (I put so much sunscreen on).
We got to the show about an hour and a half before show start to check out the planes.
This plane behind us is the Diamond DA40. It belongs to Steven’s flight school and he hasn’t flown it yet, but plans to.
Then we sat down about 45 minutes before show start at noon. We saw so many cool stunts during the show. It opened with a skydiver trailing the American flag while a plane flew circles around.
We saw stunning aerobatic performances, historic planes, jets,
and a jet truck!
It was all really exciting to see, and made me want to fly with Steven again, even though he doesn’t fly like that. It just made me want to get in the sky in a small plane. Hopefully I can go up again with him (and his instructor) soon!