I keep running across the prompt “do you journal” on the blogosphere and Instagram. And I always answer along the lines of, “yeah, I journal! I’ve been journaling online on my blog for 18+ years!”

I actually did start this written journal on August 1 that a friend gave me for my birthday!

But is this really journaling?

It’s a sort of journaling. The censored sort where you write things you are fine with anyone reading.

But it’s not a journal in the sense that those prompts imply. Those prompts are often talking about journaling for self-help, self-discovery, self-fill in the blank. And that’s not what I’m doing pubicly here, even though I do spew random thoughts, all about me, 99% of the time.

All that to say, I’d like to journal a bit more. I’d like to write whatever comes to mind and not edit it, or think twice about publishing it.

So I plan to do that a bit more here, but make it private, so it’s only for me.

Why even share this plan since y’all will never see those posts? Just in case you wondered where the boring weekend recap went – I’m moving it to private (similar to what I did with the training recap). Those documentation posts are purely for me. I’ll share if I actually do something I deem “interesting,” like the airshow yesterday.

I’m looking forward to more stream of consciousness unedited writing!