Here are my few goals for 2023!

Take care of my health

This is my #1 goal! I miss feeling healthy, eating nourishing foods, and running. I have not been taking care of my body for… a couple of years? And I feel it. And having blood clots wants me to take care of myself even more.

The big thing to do here is clean up my crappy diet. I eat like a teenager. And I binge-eat. So I am working on that.

My goal is to lose a certain amount of weight and start running again, and to lose weight by my next doctor appointment on April 21. This is about much more than weight, but that is how I will measure it. And don’t worry – I won’t be tracking that here!

I am really excited to get back to running. People of any size can run, but running was not feeling good for me at the size I am and I want to change that.

Our first walk of 2023

Spend less

There was lost of frivolous spending in 2022 that I want to cut back on. I unsubscribed from the Pusheen Box and delayed my next Stitch Fix out 6 months. I will be more mindful of how often I get Starbucks or a takeout treat.

And the big one. Shipping gifts. I love to send people things but I spent $1740 on shipping last year. Whoa. I need to cut back. I am going to focus on birthdays, Christmas, and life events for gifts. I am also going to try to spread shopping for those occasions throughout the year and save those items until the event, instead of just gifting them right away.

Continue to purge things I don’t use from the house

There are still things from our 2016 move that I haven’t gotten out of the box to use! Time to say buh-bye!

Visit a new state with Steven

We’re thinking somewhere in the west, but might do east! Who knows!

Hide a rock a day for the year

Almost forgot to add this one! It can be a rock by me or a rock someone sent to me or one I found. I hardly hid any locally this year because I was sending so many and because I was still annoyed with local rock collectors, ha.