• Stephany sent me (weeks ago!) a lovely holiday package with a CAT BUTT(!!!) puzzle, cat tea towel, microfiber hair drying towel, and 5 year one-line-a-day journal. Thank you so much for the thoughtful gifts, Stephany! I was thinking about buying a one-line-a-day-journal so it was the perfect gift. Stephany had talked about hers, and it sounds like such a cool exercise. I just started mine on January 1st.
  • I woke up January 1st with the cold Steven had at the end of the year. I had planned to start 2024 off with a run, but I went on an easy walk with Steven instead, then took Tuesday completely off (and took the day off from work and rested all day). I’m proud of myself for not forcing exercise when I don’t feel well. That was my MO in the past, but I actually listen to my body now!

When I took my glove off to take this photo it pulled on a friendship bracelet sent to me by a friend from the Netherlands and broke it. Normally, something like this would really upset me, but I was able to save the word she put on it (” ‘HAPPY’ ” because that is how people feel when they are around you” she said) and half the beads and wasn’t upset. Look at me, not getting upset about a small thing. Go Kim!

  • I was sad to miss Tuesday’s strength class and happy that I felt well enough to go yesterday. Two friends there asked where I was Monday – there wasn’t class on Monday, but there was a Polar Bear Plunge into Lake Michigan that I never planned on doing but thought about going to watch. It felt really nice that friends from the gym were all “where were you?!” (I told them I was sick and they joked that maybe the cold lake would make me feel better, ha! Doubtful.)
  • Not to keep going on and on about having a cold, but does anyone feel like their colds are different after having COVID-19? For example, pre COVID-19, my colds followed a pattern of sore throat, dry cough, productive cough, then phlegm for a week+. Now my colds go much faster and they’re mostly just my eye and nose leaking, and then a dry cough that sometimes becomes a productive cough.
  • My right shoulder has been a bit sore since the week of December 11th so I have been going light with weight. All that to say, guess what it being sore perfectly aligns with? Me starting to use this mug (with my right hand) that weighs 3 lbs 6 oz with water in it! Ha! Probably not any real correlation but I thought that was a funny coincidence.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 435