A few notes from the weekend! I went to Iowa this weekend for our niece Ella’s first birthday party. I did a lot so I am breaking this into two posts (here is part 1).

Sunday Highlight | A bike ride with Dad and Snis

What a fun ride! We had beautiful weather and chatted as we rode 17 miles around town. It made me really excited my snis is joining us for RAGBRAI this year!

Other Sunday Happenings | a short walk • picking up vegan donuts • working on a recap of Ella’s party (with Dexter’s help!) • chatting with family before our bike ride • seeing Ella’s birthday photo in the newspaper • our bike ride • a delicious salad for lunch (followed by lots of vegan cookies) • seeing our nephews play at the youth pavilion we got them passes to for Christmas • listening to podcasts on the way home • Steven having dinner made when I got home • chilling a bit before doing chores and unpacking • Ned having a blep • reading a bit then passing out

Sunday Lowlights | the vegan donuts tasting stale by the time I had one that night (I was so excited to eat them all day, and was waiting to with Steven, but the donuts got really weird from the heat in the car (and me wrapping them in plastic wrap? I thought that would keep them fresh but maybe it just trapped the hot air in, derp))

Monday Highlight | Reading a bit while lying in the hammock

Other Monday Happenings | waking up slowly • running • drinking a hot chai and working on a Fake Meats blog post and other computer stuff • lying in the hammock reading, while the cats enjoyed time on the balcony • working on a Fake Meats Plant Basics small batch label • reading and a very short nap • seeing some of the seeds we planted pop up • grilling dinner • having dinner and watching the last episode of Succession (& painting) • thinking I was going to bed early (8:00!) but reading quite a bit (until 9:30)