A few (okay, a lot of) notes from the weekend! I went to Iowa this weekend for our niece Ella’s first birthday party. I did a lot so I am breaking this into two posts.

Thursday Highlight | My cute new flower mani from Lorena!

Ella’s birthday party was flower themed so I had to get a flower mani! I absolutely love this mani – it’s one of my top five faves, ever! It was lovely chatting with Lorena. Although, I told her I feel bad – I schedule my mani/pedis on my last working day of the week and she gets tired Kim when I first walk in the door, then I perk up!

Other Thursday Happenings | picking up my shots and having them give me the right amount (last time they only gave me 4 and it wasn’t enough – I was worried that would happen again this weekend and I’d be running around using refills all weekend, but thankfully, they gave me the 10 I asked for) • Finishing Shazam! Fury of the Gods (meh) with Steven • packing for trip

Thursday Lowlight | My INR being so low, I have to take said shots, womp womp

Friday Highlights | Catching up with Val on my drive to Iowa • playing with William, Leo, & Ella

[Highlight 1] Val recently got back on a weeklong east coast trip with her family and I loved hearing all about it, and catching up on everything else! I always love our conversations, and it made two hours of my drive fly by (and helped me feel alert).

[Highlight 2] After dinner William and Leo showed me their dirt bike and four wheeler and it was so much fun to watch them play, then all play together on the playset. And we were having such gorgeous weather!

Other Friday Happenings | waking up way too early – just after 4:00 • cuddling with Khali • a strength workout • walking and seeing a beaver work on their dam • packing the car • filming at Fake Meats • El Famous with Steven • stopping at Woodman’s to get ONE thing and them being out of it but still finding a way to spend $50 • driving to Iowa • catching up with Val on the phone • singing along to music from the early aughts • Snistina giving me the Apollo 13 pog holder from our youth • Steven sending me pics of the lawn and cats • hanging out with snister & fam • playing outside • chatting with Steven on the phone • finishing Happy Place

Saturday Highlight | a run/ride with Dad • going to the Fourth Street Cruise • Ella’s birthday party

[Highlight 1] I started my morning with a run/ride with Dad – I ran, and he rode his bike. It was a gorgeous morning, and my run splits were almost identical – I just had a range of 10 seconds total and all my paces started with 10! Very exciting for me.

It was awesome to have that time with Dad before our very busy day!

[Highlight 2] The Fourth Street Cruise is a car cruise in downtown Waterloo, Iowa, and I haven’t been in AGES! At least 10 (15?!) years! When my snis decided to have the party this weekend I wondered if I’d have a chance to pop by and check it out, and I’m so glad I did!

The cruise is from 12-4 and I got there just before 12:00 and hung out with Mom and Dad and chatted and watched the cars. We watched for family driving by – my older brother and his wife and son were all driving, and then my younger brother went by later. After they cruised they sat with us for a bit and we ate a picnic and hung out. The weather was beautiful, and I especially enjoyed asking my dad car questions, and catching up with my sister-in-law, Alyssa.

Photo from The Courier – Alyssa is behind the red truck, then my brother Nick, then his son Nick

[Highlight 3] Get ready for a ton of photos! My snis does the best with party planning and decorations and Ella’s party was so freaking cute! As previously mentioned, it was flower themed, so lots of flower decorations (and food!) and lots of people wore outfits with flowers on them.

I helped a bit with party setup and prep, but not a lot – I made a pasta salad, helped get the paper flower decorations ready, and put things away and tidied up – but really, my snis did it all. She’s amazing!

The party started at 5:00 and the menu was burgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, potato salad, chips, fruit, and cupcakes and cookies. I had been thinking about the vegan brat I was going to have all week, and was so excited for it, I didn’t even take a photo!

All of the local family was there, and some of my snister’s friends, and her husband’s sister and kid. It was fun to catch up with everyone, and float from conversation to conversation (although, in all honestly, I did try to escape to the guest room for a bit just to take 10 minutes to myself but didn’t make it, ha).

After dinner and desert all the kids went outside to play, and the adults went on the back deck to watch, and it soon turned into the kids and adults throwing soft balls at each other, and lots of laughs. We had another beautiful evening, and it was the perfect way to celebrate Ella’s first birthday!

Oldest to youngest – Nick, me, Anthony, Christina

We were taking a group photo and Mom said Alyssa had her eyes closed, and I was like, “let me help you with that!” ha!

Other Saturday Happenings | picking up chais for me and snis after our run/ride • Snistina giving me my shots (she gave them all to me this weekend!) • making pasta salad • chatting with Snis while we got the decorations ready – we rarely get to sit and chat and it was so nice! • seeing a cat downtown when I was walking to the cruise • hanging out and helping a bit before the party • picking up the grandmas for the party • Steven telling me some of the veggies started to pop up (the cucumber and beets) • Steven sending me funny pics of the cats • dropping the grandmas off after the party • hanging out and chatting with Mom & Snis • giving Mom part of her birthday present early • Snis giving me a cute size 12 outfit she got at a garage sale that actually fits! • chatting with Steven on the phone • starting It Begins with Us