Yesterday was the big day – we planted our tomato plants and sowed the rest of the seeds in our garden beds!

Ha, even though Steven had explained it to me MANY times, I still was not grasping how many leftover tomato plants were were going to have. We are planting four kinds of tomatoes and used one of each set and had five extras of some. I really was NOT getting that you only plant one.

First plant in!

We planted the tomato plants first, in the northern bed, then sowed the cucumber, basil, and cilantro seeds, then added the markers. I was so excited to have markers from Val that say exactly what we have! So profesh!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention – we added worm poop to the soil for the plants.

(Then I went inside and put sunscreen on because it was so bright and there was no shade!)

Next we sowed the green bean, beets, and carrots, and planted a bell pepper plant I bought that morning. We added perlite where we’ll have the carrots to make it easier for them to push through the soil.

We had originally planned to plant broccoli but none of it grew, so we used that space for green beans. We have a pepper plant growing inside that we’ll plant later if it looks healthy.

I was feeling like we were sowing too late in the year but all of the packages said sow May-July for this region, so I think we’re right on track!

After we planted/sowed everything we repotted all the tomato plants.

These will be our backup tomato plants in case the ones in the beds get eaten.

Then we watered!

Years ago we had a community garden we had to drive 10 minutes to get to then haul water. It was a pain. It’s so nice to be able to hook up a house and do it all in the backyard. And Steven may set up a drip irrigation system.

So yay! Everything is planted. I’m excited to see things start to pop up!