The beginning of 2018 was great, running-wise! I trained for a 5K PR and missed it by three seconds on a 16 degree day in April. I switched from 5K training to a month of half marathon focused training and PR’d at the Wisconsin Half Marathon in May (on my ten-year anniversary of running the race each year since the inaugural!). I moved from half marathon to marathon training and ran my highest mileage month in May – 243.2 miles – only to crash (literally) and burn (not literally) at Grandma’s Marathon in June.

I took it easy after that. Fun rides with friends and family, and fun races with friends (human and horse, ha). We’ve been socially busy the last few months of the year and I’ve chosen not to work out and race as much.

I don’t have much on schedule for 2019. Right now, I am NOT planning to run the Frosty Footrace 5K in February. I’m signed up for the Wisconsin Half Marathon, but it’s the same day as Luca’s First Communion, so I may DNS and go to that instead. There is a family wedding the day I typically ride RAGBRAI, but I plan to skip the wedding and still ride, if the course is someplace I can get to. We shall see how the year unfolds!

If you would like to fill out your own 2018 Racing Statistics in the comments or on your own blog, I created a google doc here for you to copy and fill out/edit!

You can see 2012 here, 2013 here, 2014 here, 2015 here, 2016 here, and 2017 here. You can always find my race stats here.