Wow – we had somewhat great race weather in Duluth for Grandma’s Marathon today and I DIDN’T PR! Ha, let me tell you why…

First, though, logistics. I stayed at a (beautiful!!!) rental house with Gina, Bob, and Jessica. They planned this trip a while ago and Gina invited me to join them in April! We left the house at 4:30 am and drove to the DECC (Duluth Entertainment Convention Center) to park. Grandma’s Marathon is point-to-point and we parked at the finish and took the train to the start (you can take the train or bus to the start, but you can’t park there).

I laughed when I got on the train and saw it was basically a Metra car! Then I was worried it would eff up my piriformis like my rides on Metra to the city do, but it didn’t. Phew.

It was an hour and twenty minute ride! Then we got off and immediately got in hella long porta pottie lines.

Jessica, Bob, Gina, me

We walked to the start a few minutes before race start (7:45 am). Luckily we could line up by our estimated pace time, even though we got in so late.

There’s no corrals and we all took off as one big group. It was crowded and I tripped and landed on my hands and knees a quarter mile in to the race. I felt shook up, and looked for Gina (for emotional support) but didn’t see her and kept running. (She later told me she saw someone hand me something, but didn’t see me fall.)

I texted my dad and snis to tell them what happened and ask for encouragement (no, I was NOT using my phone when I fell). They sent me some and I tried to get out of my head about the fall, but I did think about it for a few miles.

Then I decided to ignore it and stick to my goal 8:46 per mile pace plan. I took gels every four miles and was having stomach issues (needing to poo, and having cramps). I went to the bathroom at mile 9 and got back on pace until mile 14, then it went downhill (not literally, it was up and down for most of the race). My stomach felt jacked up, and my knee was starting to hurt. Sigh.

I went in to survival mode and put a smile on my face and did what I could for running and walked when I needed to. I was trying not to be frustrated and to still have a good time. I had been using all my mantras hoping I could get my pace back but it just wasn’t happening. I was frustrated that I couldn’t even hold long run pace for very long!

Gina passed me around mile 16 looking awesome (she got a PR!!!) and she made sure I was gonna be okay. I planned to do whatever I needed to get my medal and finisher shirt!

Spoiler alert, I got it

It had been foggy all morning and started to rain a bit at 17, but only for a few miles. The temperature actually dropped during the race and the breeze felt great (it was 61° and 82% humidity when we started and 49°F and 96% humidity and cool when we finished). My face felt too hot when I started, and for a few miles, but it really wasn’t bad.

I was doing a run/walk and getting lots of comments on my knee (which I was trying to ignore – my knee, not the people!). I went to the bathroom again at 19 (ugh) then kept going. During mile 22 a course marshal approached me and asked if he could help with my knee and I started crying. Sigh. So emotional. My knee was bugging me more and more as it began to scab over. Some Navy people cleaned it a bit and bandaged it up and sent me on my way and it felt stiff, but better.

I kept going and Bob approached me around mile 24 which was a lifesaver. I picked it up a small bit with him (as much as I could!) and we finished together, in 4:36:36. Quite a bit off from 3:50!

I was so hungry when I finished (which is odd since I was having gels every four miles despite my stomach feeling messed up). And cold. We found Gina and Jessica (she PR’d and BQ’d!!!) and went to the medic tent to get me cleaned up (and get some asphalt out of my knee).

So that was my race!

Steven asked if I wanted to do another marathon right away. Nah. I think I’d rather just train long and not race!

A few notes:

  • I saw a lot of funny signs including “if MPR raccoon can do it, you can too!”
  • I appreciated the texts from family, and Bobbi to see how I was doing. I appreciate Bobbi waiting WAY after her half finished to see me come in. I appreciate xaarlin writing just what I needed to hear when I told her I was struggling.
  • This race is well done! I think I’d like the course better if I wasn’t all effed up, though. Ha ha.
  • We all loved the tall balloon mile markers – we could see them coming up, even with the fog.
  • Sometimes you can see the finish way off, on clear days. I was happy it was foggy and I couldn’t!
  • The rolling hills did seem to get to me, which was disappointing – I hill train and run inclines on my long runs. A lot of times I’d be like, “this effort feels hard, am I on an incline?” Ha. A LOT OF THAT.
  • I’m so excited for Gina and Jessica and so appreciative of Bob!!!
  • Ha. So when I did check the weather when I was packing, I didn’t even think to check the START town. I checked the finish town! Lesson learned for point-to-point race weather checking!