2017 was another quiet year with races/events! I participated in nine events, compared to five last year (and twenty the year before). Three of those nine were biking events. I only ran six events this year.

I ran less in 2017. I decided to cut back to around thirty miles a week for the year. I miss running more than that, and plan to bump up the mileage in 2018. I do not miss racing more, but I would like to “race” a race in 2018 with a goal time, likely a 5K. It would be fun to do an event in a different state, too, but we’ll see about that!

I hope to do RAGBRAI again, if the route doesn’t go too far south in the state. And it would be fun to do another cycling event!

Also, if you would like to fill out your own 2017 Racing Statistics in the comments or on your own blog, I created a google doc here for you to copy and fill out/edit!

You can see 2012 here, 2013 here, 2014 here, 2015 here, and 2016 here. You can always find my race stats here.