Random Thoughts Thursday 371

Random Thoughts Thursday 371

Yesterday was our first National Black Cat Appreciation Day with Ned being part of our family! Ned wearing a bell collar has been SO effective! The potty issues stopped as soon as he started wearing it. I highly recommend this method. We’re rewatching Game of...
A message from the universe?

A message from the universe?

Yesterday the dental hygienist used an exercise analogy when talking about dental hygiene. Something along the lines of: “Flossing 3-5 times a week is good, but it’s like just running all the time – you look good on the outside but you’re...
When did I lose my nerve?!

When did I lose my nerve?!

I went to a birthday party (for an adult!) at a ninja warrior style gym on Saturday night. I knew I wouldn’t have the physical strength to do a lot of the activities, but I was surprised at how much fear I had at even TRYING them, especially ones that required a...
Three unrelated questions (II)

Three unrelated questions (II)

So, the last time I did this, my crappy blog closed all the polls on its own. Now they are all miraculously open, somehow, also on their own. Sigh. (Yes, I am looking in to updating my blog.) Anyway. So if the polls stop working, feel free to leave a comment. BECAUSE...
Three unrelated questions

Three unrelated questions

These are polls, so if you’re viewing in email you may have to click through to see them! UPDATE – my blog randomly closed all the original polls, so I added second ones if you want to vote. UPDATED AGAIN, they shut themselves off again, so I give up!...