Random Thoughts Thursday 374

Random Thoughts Thursday 374

I got to see Lorena yesterday! I hadn’t in about a month because she went on a trip to see her family. It was fun to hear about that, and of course, I had to catch her up on all my drama. I went with fall nails even though the start of fall is two weeks away. I...
Weekend Highlights! (2022 #36)

Weekend Highlights! (2022 #36)

A few highlights from the weekend! My weekend started out really good and got kind of derailed Friday night then I spent a lot of the weekend trying to recover from being so tired (I didn’t). Thursday  Our anniversary! Painting at lunch break. Receiving a...
Random Thoughts Thursday 371

Random Thoughts Thursday 371

Yesterday was our first National Black Cat Appreciation Day with Ned being part of our family! Ned wearing a bell collar has been SO effective! The potty issues stopped as soon as he started wearing it. I highly recommend this method. We’re rewatching Game of...
A message from the universe?

A message from the universe?

Yesterday the dental hygienist used an exercise analogy when talking about dental hygiene. Something along the lines of: “Flossing 3-5 times a week is good, but it’s like just running all the time – you look good on the outside but you’re...
When did I lose my nerve?!

When did I lose my nerve?!

I went to a birthday party (for an adult!) at a ninja warrior style gym on Saturday night. I knew I wouldn’t have the physical strength to do a lot of the activities, but I was surprised at how much fear I had at even TRYING them, especially ones that required a...