A few highlights from the weekend! My weekend started out really good and got kind of derailed Friday night then I spent a lot of the weekend trying to recover from being so tired (I didn’t).


  • Our anniversary!
  • Painting at lunch break.
  • Receiving a package from my friend Alicia.
  • Dinner out to celebrate our anniversary. We went to Twisted Plants in Milwaukee and got vegan mozzarella sticks, burgers and fries, and shared a shake.


  • Getting a run in at a forest preserve I don’t go to often.
  • Having time to get a few things done (pictures and filming a reel) before going to the doctor.
  • The doctor listening and not acting like I was an idiot.  She’s not like that, but I was coming in with nothing visibly wrong and no more pain. She had blood work done to test my D-dimer and recommended an orthopedist. (<– I wrote this before what happened below)
  • Lunch with Steven. OMG why was my Jimmy John’s sandwich so good? Probably because I was so hungry. And went light on the items they usually put too much of on.
  • Making time for bloodwork after lunch. Steven met me at the oil change place to drop off my car then we went back to the doctor for me to do my bloodwork. He waited in the car while I waited inside for bloodwork. I am really glad we took the time to get it done and didn’t put it off. And whoa, that lobby was HOPPING. It was an eventful 30 min wait.
  • Checking out a farm stand we’ve passed a lot but never stopped at. Steven got some eggs.
  • Receiving a package from Val. Her friend gave her a game called “May Contain Butts” and I tried to find it but couldn’t so the same friend gave Val another set to give me. So sweet!
  • Painting after lunch and dinner. I got a lot painted on Friday and hoped that was how my weekend would go. It didn’t.
  • My doctor being so attentive. She called me at 8:45 pm (and it went to voicemail grrr) and I happened to see it and saw she wanted me to go to the ER because my D-dimer was high and indicated I could have a blood clot. Long story short, I got to the ER at 10:00 pm and they did an ultrasound and found two blood clots in the back of my lower left leg. I was kind of shocked since they weren’t there on the August 17 ultrasound. I took my first dose of blood thinners there and will work with my doctor on a care plan. I got home around 1:40 am.
  • Talking to my mom after I got the diagnosis. I felt kind of upset when they told me the news but it was pretty late (midnight) so I got on to Instagram to see which of my European and Australian friends were up to talk to and saw that my mom had just responded to some of my Instagram stories so I called to see if she was up and we talked for about 45 minutes.
  • All my friends and family who’ve been checking in on me about my foot/leg and were there for me Friday night and this weekend.


  • Walking with a new friend and hiding rocks together while drinking Starbucks. This friend is part of cat Instagram and we met because another friend commissioned me to paint their cats! We had a really nice time chatting and walking.
  • Getting things done – stupid stuff – getting my blood thinner prescription, picking my car up from an oil change, getting groceries. But I was so tired and almost had a breakdown at Target. I was also trying really hard not to be upset about the blood clots but it is a bit upsetting.
  • The Target pharmacist finding a way to get the prescription from $200 a month down to $10 a month. I told him he was magic. He was like “did the doctor give you a coupon for this?” And I was thinking… “do doctors give coupons?!”
  • Taking a long nap. I woke up feeling so out of it but I needed the sleep.
  • Finishing Elvis. Meh.
  • Starting I’m Glad My Mom Died. It’s as good as everyone says!


  • A yummy breakfast.
  • Ordering shirts for an upcoming trip with Snis.

  • Going to the Foreigner concert at the Walworth County Fair with Rachel and Kevin. More on that in another post!


  • A walk/run.
  • A Live with two Instagram friends (Val & Tiff, who I went on the KC trip with) while I resined some rocks.
  • Opening a letter a friend in the UK sent me.
  • Crunchwraps for lunch.
  • A very short nap.
  • Painting and watching part of a Fast & Furious spoof.


  • Being up so late Friday night.
  • Almost losing it at Target. It’s a long boring story and the gist of it is waiting in long lines and me operating on so little sleep.
  • Steven being sick. He was sick all four days and still does not feel well.
  • Being in a bad mood and tired a lot of the weekend.