Friday Question #81

Friday Question #81

What reality show/game show do you want to be on? Definitely TLC’s What Not to Wear. Whenever I happen to catch that show, I always wonder what they would make me throw out of my closet. I do hold on to all of my race shirts, but I only wear them for exercise...

Friday Question #79

What’s your reaction when you receive a compliment? It makes me crazy when I compliment someone and they brush if off/dismiss it/deny it/dispute it. You know, “Oh, I really don’t like that feature about myself,” “I hate this top,”...
Steven’s Pad Siew

Steven’s Pad Siew

Steven has finally perfected his pad siew recipe (the one I mentioned here) and is ready to share it! Required Ingredients: Required sauce ingredients (please note, that green top is NOT the top that comes on the sauce bottle – it is a wine topper someone gave...
Felt awake, for once

Felt awake, for once

Day One of Operation “Appear Awake at Work” is off to a rocky start.* Can you even tell I have makeup on in this photo?! I am probably setting myself up for failure by trying to wake up so early. Last night was one of those nights where the bed felt...