• First! If you are a blogger, will you please tell me who your host is and if you like using them? The cost of mine is going up astronomically and I think I need to switch. TIA!
  • My therapist kept asking me if my insurance policy was changing for 2024, and I told her no, the co-pay was the same, and figured that was that, BUT she looked into it THERE ARE ISSUES. If I want to keep seeing her virtually in 2024 she has to use a platform she is not in network with. So my options are 1) pay out of pocket, 2) see her in person, or 3) find a new therapist/quit therapy. I went with 3. And am disappointed and frustrated to start over but I don’t want to pay $165 a session until I meet my deductible (it’s a $20 co-pay when the therapist is in network).
  • I was hesitant to try using Business Suite (Meta’s social media management program) to schedule content for the Fake Meats’s social media page because I didn’t trust it (and other reasons), but a friend told me how well it was working for them so I tried it out and lo and behold IT WORKS!!!! I can schedule a bunch of stuff and not have to get on my phone until it’s convenient for me! Woo hoo! I feel better the less time I spend on socials so this is a great discovery.
  • In bad outdoor cat news: Tywin has been MIA for a week. I hope someone nice took him in.
  • In good outdoor cat news: Snow Jr lets me pet him now! I gave it a try Saturday and he loves it!

  • A few years ago I bought some Gore Tex cold weather running gear in size XL and was never able to use it because their XL sizing is so small. Even now it barely fits. Sigh, vanity sizing.
  • Has anyone else watched Outer Range? We watched it last week and liked it.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 436