It’s been far too long since I’ve been to a professional baseball game! Since before the pandemic! In June of 2019!

I don’t make an effort to follow baseball, but I LOVE going to games, especially with Rachel. So when we made plans to get together yesterday it later clicked “maybe there is a game that day!” And there was and she got us awesome seats near the Brewers dugout!

This is definitely the earliest in the year I’ve ever gone to a game and even though it was 40° and we’d had a sleet/snow/rain mix that day it didn’t matter – the stadium has a roof. Woo hoo!

I’m hoping that getting out early in the season for a game this year means I will go to more than one this year!

Despite the jersey I am wearing (which I was so excited fit, by the way, ha) we were at a Brewers/Red Sox game, and the Brewers won 5-4! It was a fun game to watch.

But the truth is also that we chatted the entire time! I always love catching up with Rachel. Talking to her makes me feel so loved and listened to. I always get a feel good buzz from seeing her. And we had a lot of catching up to do – I hadn’t seen her since September!

One sad thing did happen, ha. They no longer have vegetarian hot dogs at the ballpark! So I made do with french fries with hot dog toppings, which was delish.

Also, not sad, but worrisome, a man was leaving our aisle and having a really hard time getting out – his legs were super wobbly and he had to hold on to all the chairs. Then as he got out he was stumbling walking up the stairs! So I went with him to help him with the stairs. Then I waited for him outside the bathroom to help him walk back. He told me he fell down the stairs at home a week ago and his legs have felt bad since! I’m glad he is seeing a doctor about it Monday; I was very worried about him!