Our state moved in to Phase 3 of our reopening last Friday, which allows outdoor dining at restaurants. Driving around Friday, and seeing all the restaurants that had added huge tents to their parking lots to have outdoor seating gutted me. I was sad they had to add that extra expense on top of everything else to be able to serve people, and I was sad to see one completely empty (I hope it’s just because it was early for dinner). I hope the tents are a good investment, that the restaurants are supported by their customers, and that we have good weather so they can continue to serve people outside.

(I completely agree with the outdoor seating only in restaurants rule – seeing the physical representation of it was shocking though.)

As part of Phase 3, gatherings in groups of up to ten people are allowed. Steven and I are not gathering in groups yet – we want to see how things go this month before we do. I also want to stay healthy for seeing my family in late July – I’d hate to inadvertently pass something along to an at-risk family member. We aren’t fearful, but we are cautious.

All that being said, I am open to distanced outdoor workouts with one other person who’s been socially distancing, and had a walk date on Monday and have a run date this Saturday. It feels so strange to have an appointment on my calendar that requires leaving the house. It still feels wrong to do so. And it really makes me anxious, like “how much time does it take me to get ready to leave?” and “do I really want to leave?” and “will being around another personal physically exhaust me for the rest of the day?”

Monday’s walk

(The answer to the last question is no – it’s so exciting to see and talk to someone else! It energizes me. But gosh, I drug stories out before this, and now I really do. Sorry, friends.)

This is a good article – “How to have a judgment-free conversation about seeing friends again” (pdf here). The note about following social distancing behaviors signaling “moral superiority” really stuck out to me. I can totally see that happening, when really, everyone just has different comfort levels and priorities.

These conversations are particularly difficult because social distancing behaviors — wearing a mask, staying six feet apart, not meeting up at all — signal “moral superiority,” said Paul Conway, a professor of psychology at Florida State University, who studies moral responsibility. By tolerating the inconveniences of social distancing, he says, you’re publicly demonstrating that you care about the health and well-being of the people around you. If you choose to wear a mask and your friend doesn’t, Conway says, the friend might get defensive or resentful, worried you might be judging them for not being more careful.

The article advises talking openly about what you are comfortable with, then designing an environment for a meetup that meets those parameters. And talking about it in a way that doesn’t say one person is doing something wrong for wanting something else. They aren’t. We all have different comfort levels. Mine right now is one-on-one, outside, with friends who’ve been able to stay isolated at home too. I did feel totally awkward asking my Saturday date it they minded I had a Monday date, but I wanted them to know! I want to be conscientious! Ugh this is so strange.

We aren’t home that much more than we were before all this, but somehow, Khali is way more comfortable around both of us! She’s less likely to run away when we come near, and more likely to let us pick her up.

Speaking of Khali, poor thing has suffered the COVID-19 weight gain due to her idiot mother giving her too many table scraps. That has (mostly!) stopped. Only ONE bite of BURGUR instead of many.

She’s so hungry she’s eating shoes!

My masseuse reached out and said she’s reopening this month, and told me the new rules for getting a massage (like wearing a mask). I made an appointment for the end of the month. My body needs a massage so bad and I hope I feel comfortable enough to keep the appointment (that’s is why I made it so far out). I am still not making hair or nails appointments. (But Anne gave me a tip about ordering the Aveda leave-in conditioner I used and it arrived this week and my hair feels so much better!)

I love sending cards to people, and I had a decent stock, but for some instances I prefer to pick out something special for that person, rather than choose from my stock. That’s been hard to do during our stay-at-home order, since the main place I go is Aldi. Aldi has cards (and I buy them!) but they are generic. So last week I ordered some cards from Minted (and they arrived this week, yay!), and this week, I sent some via Postable, which my snis recommended to me (and is where she made the hilarious card below).

Ugh, my driver’s license expires at the end of July. The DMV just reopened here this week and I have heard the lines are insane. Maybe it will die down after a month…