I’d like to blame me telling this story on our COVID-19 lack of human interaction and finding anything amusing state of minds, but the truth is, we’re always like this. Ha.

Khali has a favorite human food, and it begins with “b” and ends in “urger.” Her birthday was on Sunday and while she got shreds (a treat!) for dinner, she also wanted a burger, but alas, we humans had leftover pizza.

Photo from a burger last week

So all day Monday she’s walking around the house talking about burgers. Suggesting burgers for dinner. Saying how she didn’t get a burger on her birthday. Noting that the meal plan doesn’t even HAVE anything on it for Monday night and she knows FOR A FACT that we have two buns and two burger patties.

I thought that was that.

But later in the day I heard noises in the kitchen. Steven said to me “I think the cats are playing with something in the kitchen. Maybe something off the fridge?”

As the noises got rowdier, I decided to go in and see what was up. I was shocked to see the meal plan on the floor, all torn up!

And on the bottom, someone had written “Burgurs!!!” and put four claw marks through it!

Oh my gosh. I was laughing so hard I was crying!!! And I got the message loud and clear – we had burgers for dinner that night!

What was so funny to me was that Steven did that to the meal plan and put it on the floor as a joke, but then Starbuck came in and started tearing it apart, which made it even funnier. Steven thought she ruined the joke, but I thought she made it more legit!