This is more of a house garage update than a Dragonstone update – we can park two cars in our house garage now OH EM GEE!!!
For three years we’ve had this behemoth storage rack in the garage for holding our building supplies. It was a complete pain in the arse to park next to or walk around. But we used it weekly, so we needed it.
We spent about two hours today clearing it, and putting everything in organized stacks in Dragonstone.
Then we tried to lift the rack ourselves. Um, no. This thing was built (by Steven) to survive the apocalypse.
Then we tried to take the top off ourselves, and see if we could lift it without the top off. We couldn’t even lift the top off on our own! The top must weigh at least 200 pounds.
So I called Bobbi and John and asked if they’d come over so we didn’t hurt ourselves. With them we were able to get the top off, walk the rack over to its new spot, and put the top back on. Getting the top off was hard, and getting it back on was even harder, but success!
Thanks Bobbi and John!
A few more hours of moving things around, cleaning, and our space was ready!
We still need to reorganize the house garage and move a lot of it to Dragonstone to make more room in the house garage, but, small steps! (or rather, lots of work that takes time and planning)
And now that Steven can park in the garage, we won’t get any more snow this winter/spring. Yay!
Previous Post: Garage Project: Floor Coating
Two cars in the garage? Now THAT is a beautiful sight!
I am impressed that you all got the behemoth structure taken apart and moved to Dragonstone…at least you know that when Steven builds something, it’s gonna last!
Isn’t it though?! Ahhhhhh (that is my calm “ahhh,” not my screaming one, ha). When I opened the garage door this am, it felt so different in there!
I am too. I thought we were gonna need more than four people! And yes – we were teasing him about how “well” he built it. Hee hee 😉