Over the past couple of months, we (mostly Steven) have worked on getting as much of the soffits installed on Dragonstone as possible.

First things first – what is a soffit? It’s the horizontal surface under the roof’s overhang. Or, if you wanna get fancy, and wikipedia it, it’s “an exterior or interior architectural feature, generally the horizontal, aloft underside of any construction element.”

It’s large black wood in the photo below:

back/east side

The soffit on the north and south side of the garage is three pieces: a narrow plywood board, a vent, and a large plywood board. You can see the three pieces below:

The vents promote balanced air ventilation in the space. They’re necessary on the north and south sides because those eaves open up in to the garage. The eaves on the east and west side of the garage are ornamental and don’t require the vents.

In February, Steven cut the narrow plywood pieces and painted them and the vents inside the house. We installed the plywood, and tucked the vents in to them (the vents have a lip on each side that the plywood overlaps).

In March, Steven cut the large plywood pieces and painted them in the garage (it was exciting to use the garage and to not have to bring those boards inside the house!), and over the past two weekends, we put as much of them up as we could.

We can’t install all of the soffit in the front (west side) of the garage because the brick work has to be completed first.

front/west side

And we didn’t complete the corners of all sides because a removable soffit board will go there, so the electrical (side note: this winter, Steven put in all the conduit and boxes for the flood lights and security) can be accessed.

back/east side action shot

back/east side as complete as possible!

Even though the soffit work is not complete, it does make the garage more sealed off from the environment, which is good… you would not believe how many nuts we found in there from our squirrel friends!

Previous Post: Garage Project: VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE!