by kimhastheruns | May 5, 2023 | Running + Training
I’m loving getting back into running. I run 3-4 times a week, doing run/walk intervals. Right now, we’re doing 6 minutes of running, and 1:30 minutes of walking. We’ve been steadily increasing our run interval time by a minute each week. Our 5K is 4...
by kimhastheruns | May 2, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training, Travel
I’ll be posting monthly check-ins on my 2023 Goals. This is check-in #4! Take care of my health I had my check-in with my vascular doctor in April and he confirmed I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) and need to stay on blood thinners indefinitely. Taking...
by kimhastheruns | May 1, 2023 | Blogging, Books, Life, Running + Training, Work + Design
A few notes from the weekend! (Thank you for bearing with me as I rework what this post is. A highlight reel wasn’t what I wanted anymore.) Thursday Highlight | A fun new mani from Lorena The last few times I’ve seen Lorena I’ve been a bit too out of...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 26, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Running + Training
A collection of quotes that have spoken to me lately: “The illusion is that the finish line is the destination, but the act itself is the destination” – Ben Affleck as Phil Knight in AIR We’ve all heard something like that a million times but this time it really...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 24, 2023 | Books, Health + Fitness, Life, Running + Training
A few notes from the weekend! (I’m changing the language from “highlights” to “happenings” and “notes” so I can talk about all the things I spend my weekends on, not just highlights.) Friday I ran before work and listened to the Emma Bates interview on the Ali on the...
by kimhastheruns | Apr 20, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Running + Training
I have been so noise sensitive lately. I’m struggling with interrupting noises (loud train car announcements, the L going by, etc.) and sudden volume increases. I’ve had to put my headphones on a lot to drown things out. Yesterday I was really stressed out...