by kimhastheruns | Jul 1, 2023 | Health + Fitness, Life, Rock Painting, Running + Training, Travel
I’ll be posting monthly check-ins on my 2023 Goals. This is check-in #6! Take care of my health (This one has a weight loss # right below the photo so skip if that’s not for you!) I’m down 2.7% of my body weight for the month, and 20.6% for the year....
by kimhastheruns | Jun 26, 2023 | Books, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Running + Training
A few notes from the weekend! Friday Highlight | Having a great long bike ride. Normally my toes cramp up so bad but I really focused on wiggling them and forcing my heel to the back to the shoe and that helped! Other Friday Happenings | Friday off/pay day • my friend...
by kimhastheruns | Jun 22, 2023 | Books, Fashion + Beauty, Health + Fitness, House, Life, Running + Training
Steven and I signed up for another 5K! The Antioch Run for Freedom 5K on July 4th. This one is close to home and has a later start time than the last one, yay! I knew one of my coworkers, Rebecca, has the same Stitch Fix top as me, so I asked her if she wanted to...
by kimhastheruns | Jun 20, 2023 | Books, Life, Recipes + Food, Running + Training
A few notes from the weekend! (Can you tell I am trying to maximize chilling? My July and August is so busy, I am trying to pregame by relaxing now, ha) Friday Highlight | Getting a massage! It felt so nice to get all my tightness worked out, and to catch up with Kim,...
by kimhastheruns | Jun 15, 2023 | Health + Fitness, House, Life, Running + Training
Steven and I have run together a few times since our 5K! We may do another 5K on July 4th. Something MONUMENTAL happened Tuesday – two cats were in the cat house at the same time! We’ve never seen this! Tywin was on the left side and Snow Jr was on the...
by kimhastheruns | Jun 13, 2023 | Health + Fitness, House, Life, Recipes + Food, Rock Painting, Running + Training
The bottom two items feature food and weight loss so please skip those if not your thing! Today I’m feeling thankful that: Steven is so hands on and able to fix almost anything and willing to do it. Something broke in our washer yesterday and he took it apart...