• Steven pulled a beet from our garden on Monday. It tastes like a beet! (I don’t like beets, ha)

  • On Tuesday we ate a couple raw green beans though, and they were delicious!

  • I received two surprise packages in the mail Tuesday! One from a friend Kate, who lives in Australia (first pic) and one from a friend Lindsey, who lives in Florida. They’re both so thoughtful! I really feel guilty when someone showers me with kindness like this, because I feel like I should be doing the same or them. But I know they don’t expect anything in return – I wouldn’t! I need to get out of my head.

  • Gah, Monday was my annual with my PCP, and the nurse called me Friday to ask me to do an 8 hour fast. I hadn’t even thought they’d ask me to fast when I made the 1:20 pm appointment! I got up early to eat on Monday, and made next year’s appointment for the earliest timeslot available – 8:45 am. I physically felt fine until I got a massive headache after I ate. Blah. (More on the doctor appointment after the jump!)

best PB sandwich of my life

  • We covered a lot in my appointment. This is boring and for my notes, hence putting it after the jump.
    • We talked about how therapy is going, and that it’s helping.
    • Β I found out PCP’s office does not monitor home INR testing. Darn. That means I need to keep driving to in-person INRs unless I switch networks.
    • I had my ears checked because I often don’t hear what Steven is saying/miss things in movies/shows. My ears are very clean. I can take a hearing test in the future if I want.
    • We talked about my weight loss and my doctor advised losing 3-5 lbs to get below a 30 BMI and move from the obese to overweight category. HAHAHHA. I give exactly ZERO f*cks about BMI, but plan to lose a bit more than that.
    • My blood work was all good – cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and liver and kidney functions. Woo hoo! It was nice to see blood work in normal ranges (since my blood clot related stuff is always off).
    • TMI Alert – my urine was off (as suspected) and the doctor prescribed some antibiotics for me. I’m feeling much better (but still have a pretty sore left kidney).

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 413