Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

Here are this week’s rocks! But first, a short story. I was tagged in a post on Instagram where a RV-life family was visiting Bayfield and both their daughters found one of my rocks! I thought that was so great, especially that each kid got one. I sketched these...
Rocks I painted in the last week

Rocks I painted in the last week

I was able to get a few more rocks painted this week, yay! This is a trade that someone requested. So it really should have been a commission. I learned from that. I am not sure why Pusheen looks a bit evil here, but I am digging it! Design by Pusheen! I will probably...
The Big Reel

The Big Reel

I’ve been talking about the “Big Reel” on here for a few weeks, and I published it today, so I can finally share it, yay! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kim Hides the Rocks (@kimhidestherocks) I love how global the rock painting...