Don’t be a bitter hipster

Don’t be a bitter hipster

The tiny cramped Starbucks my coworkers and I frequent was replaced with a brand new larger snazzy one and we’re jazzed! Well, some of us. I noticed a coworker had Starbucks yesterday so I asked if they went to the new store and what they thought of the design and...

Don’t look so serious

Steven and I were discussing the “smile” scene (when a random man tells Carol Danvers to smile) in Captain Marvel after seeing it last night, and it made me think about how I know several women who have been asked “why don’t you smile...
Random Thoughts Thursday 217

Random Thoughts Thursday 217

Man, I’ve felt moody this week! It started Tuesday morning when I broke the snowblower (Steven fixed it Wednesday morning) and got worse. I made a list of the insignificant things bothering me so I could see how stupid they were, but that didn’t help much....
Random Thoughts Thursday 208

Random Thoughts Thursday 208

When I got to the airport Tuesday I looked for my flight number to Chicago on the board and didn’t see it. I started to feel a bit panicked! Then I remembered I was flying to Milwaukee. Ha! That flight was on the board. On Tuesday night I did a video chat with a...