by kilax | Aug 27, 2008 | Health + Fitness, News, Running + Training
Did you hear about the Chicago-area woman who held a “Battle of the Bridesmaids” 5K to decide on the bridesmaids for her wedding? (Article here) The race, and her wedding, were both last Saturday. Seventy-five people (men and women) showed up for the race....
by kilax | Aug 21, 2008 | Blogging, Health + Fitness, Work + Design
We have monthly “birthday celebrations” in my office during the months that the staff has birthdays. The company orders treats and we all sit around in the conference room, chatting for about 30 minutes (or more!) while enjoying the treats. It’s actually a nice break,...
by kilax | Aug 19, 2008 | Health + Fitness
Pros of exercising INDOORS, on the treadmill: Flat, even terrain No wind! No resistance! Flat screen tv to watch Proximity to shower/bathroom Ample light No one can see you huffing and puffing No funny outdoor smells NO BUGS IN YOUR BRA While Steven and I were walking...
by kilax | Aug 17, 2008 | Blogging, Health + Fitness, Life
Although Steven and I didn’t do anything productive in the true sense of the word this weekend, we did: Purchase tickets for the two of us and my parents to see Robin Williams at the Chicago Theater on September 27. (I HATE TICKETMASTER. I had four seats...
by kilax | Aug 14, 2008 | Blogging, Health + Fitness, Running + Training
Thanks for the lolcat, Christina Coincidentally, my infrequent posting corresponds directly to the increase of daily exercise in my life. Instead of my usual evening routine of eating dinner then lounging somewhere with my computer, I am now eating dinner, exercising,...
by kilax | Jul 24, 2008 | Health + Fitness, Running + Training
I slipped on my favorite pair of Asics the other night for a walk. Wow. I haven’t worn them in such a long time, I forgot how comfortable they feel. Perfect support. Nice snug fit, but airy and breathable. All day today, I was fantasizing about going running...