Surprise – I am eating less fast!

I actually have good news about my goal to eat slower. I’ve been consciously putting my fork down between bites, chewing slowly and thoughtfully, and waiting to pick up the fork and get a small bite AFTER my mouth is empty. And it’s been working!...
Skip the edamame

Skip the edamame

Do you ever take blurbs like this seriously when you read them in magazines? (This is from the November issue of InStyle – I know, I need to find better sources for this stuff!) I usually don’t, but this one caught my attention – they are taking...
Surprise – I eat too fast!

Surprise – I eat too fast!

Last night, Steven (and I) made homemade veggie patties. They took about 45 minutes to make. We had to chop up carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green onion, zucchini and celery, then add spices to that mix and saute it all in a pan. We eventually mixed in some flour...

It’s appreciated

During the summer, when Steven and I were participating in a bowling league, we got into the habit of eating at a specific Subway each league night. We really like the guy who works at this Subway. He always smiles, asks us how we were doing, and makes a good sandwich...
5K: numero due

5K: numero due

Today was 5K #2, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. The conditions were much different than the last 5K we ran – this race had two hills, and it was foggy and only about 45° (Oh yeah, and we had two blabbering idiots running behind us for the first mile. It’s cool to...
Taking preventative steps

Taking preventative steps

It’s time for me to reread Life is Hard, Food is Easy, by Linda Spangle. It’s also time for me to 100% honest. To let it all out. This is going to be a long one… Steven and I have a typical weekday routine. It’s nice for me. He gets home first...