The first time I discovered hunger

During the summer I lived in Rome by myself, I spent a long weekend visiting a classmate who was working in London (July 15-17 in the archives). I arrived on Friday while he was still at work. The first thing I did when I got into the airport was go into a shop and...
Food stress

Food stress

I just want to have a normal relationship with food. I do NOT want to: Spend my days counting calories. Feel guilty every weekend for eating more than I do on weekdays. Feel anxious about eating out. Feel anxious about eating in public. Feel anxious about eating ALL...

Keeping snacks at work

I keep little serving size containers of snacks in my drawer at work. It’s mostly carbohydrates – triscuits, barbara’s bakery shredded oats, pretzels, sometimes a granola bar or animal crackers. The idea is that these snacks are there to supplement my hunger if I need...
5K: numero tre

5K: numero tre

5K #3 – The Red Ribbon Race in Lake Forest, IL. This race supports LEAD (Linking Efforts Against Drugs) – a local area “organization dedicated to parents and other adults and their role in the promotion of healthy family relationships and the...

Surprise – I am eating less fast!

I actually have good news about my goal to eat slower. I’ve been consciously putting my fork down between bites, chewing slowly and thoughtfully, and waiting to pick up the fork and get a small bite AFTER my mouth is empty. And it’s been working!...