by kilax | Apr 1, 2009 | Health + Fitness
I wasn’t looking forward to weighing in today for my office’s Biggest Loser Challenge. Last week, I weighed in during my “loss of appetite” phase and showed a huge loss of 2.5%. At the time, I even said “I know some of that is going to...
by kilax | Mar 28, 2009 | Fashion + Beauty, Health + Fitness, Running + Training
Has anyone else noticed that all of the women’s exercise clothes this season seem to be pink or green? Good thing I like pink and green! I was at Kohl’s on Friday, and decided to buy some of their Nike workout clothes to try during my practice runs, in...
by kilax | Mar 25, 2009 | Blogging, Health + Fitness
For the first time in my life, I find myself without an appetite. Food seems to be of no interest to me. The only reason I am eating is to fuel my body. Eating has been becoming more and more about “fueling my body” for some time now. But I was still...
by kilax | Mar 24, 2009 | Health + Fitness
For your entertainment, here is a blog post I wrote about being sick while I was sick. Yeah… it kind of doesn’t make any sense. My exhaustion finally caught up with me. On Thursday I developed a small cough in the afternoon. On Friday, it was deeper, but I...
by kilax | Mar 20, 2009 | Friday Questions, Health + Fitness
Are you more likely to exercise if doing so with a friend or family member? For the past two weeks, I’ve gotten up extra early (4:30) so that I can leave work a bit earlier to exercise with a coworker* in the office gym. I’ve looked forward to these days...
by kilax | Mar 18, 2009 | Health + Fitness, Raves
I have to share two dirty little secrets: I am a runner who NEVER does strength training. (BAD BAD BAD!!!) I am a runner who NEVER gets sore from running. I push myself, but never feel the burn the next day. Lucky, I guess. With that being said – for me to find...