by kilax | May 19, 2009 | Health + Fitness, Running + Training
I get a lot of comments at work like, “your lunch is so healthy,” “your snacks are so healthy,” “you always eat so healthy,” “do you count carbs or calories?”* “what do I need to eat to lose weight?”...
by kilax | May 17, 2009 | Health + Fitness, Running + Training
Apparently, besides worrying about bugs flying down my bra and biting me (yes, that happened today), water from my hydration belt spilling all over my legs (felt kind of good), having to poo (always a concern), and a killer sunburn (totally my fault), I also need to...
by kilax | May 16, 2009 | Health + Fitness
Guess who got their full dose of Vitamin D today? I did! And Diane probably did too, since we were together all day. I can’t believe I got so red. I usually slather myself in sunscreen. And I even had it in my car today, but was having so much fun, I...
by kilax | May 13, 2009 | Health + Fitness
I’ve casually mentioned here that I am in the process of becoming vegan. I call it a “process” because there is research I need to do (NOT because I plan on making becoming vegan a process by slowly phasing out dairy and eggs). I don’t want to...
by kilax | May 12, 2009 | Health + Fitness, Running + Training
I know some of you have got to be sick of all my running posts, but I really need to get this out there. And it’s not too brag, or gloat, but just to share my happiness. I am at a point in my running where it feels so good to run. It feels so natural. I feel...
by kilax | May 9, 2009 | Health + Fitness, Life, Running + Training
Things making me happy this Saturday: Sleeping in until 9:30! Waking up to Steven making banana donuts. Steven helping me find vegan-friendly* products at Target. Buying a dry-erase calendar to keep track of events/training!** Too lazy to take a photo with my actual...