Sixteen Year Blogiversary!

Sixteen Year Blogiversary!

My blog turns 16 years old today! Woo hoo! This is supposed to spell out 16 in rocks. Shrug.  If you still read my blog, drop a line and say hi in the comments! If you still read my blog and want a chance to win a Kim Hides the Rocks painted rock, drop a line in the...
Weekend Highlights! (2021 #5)

Weekend Highlights! (2021 #5)

A few highlights from the weekend! Friday A mani/pedi with Lorena. Although it was right after work and my day was so hectic it took me a while to calm down and actually enjoy it. Finding a new jacket to run in. Getting Starbucks as a treat from my snis. Homemade...
AMA Answers!

AMA Answers!

Thank you for all the AMA (Ask Me Anything) questions on my Fifteen Year Blogiversary post! The two winners were D in Texas and Mica. Here are the questions and answers. Odie asked, what is your favorite memory of your time in Italy? All the dumb inside jokes from...
Fifteen Year Blogiversary!

Fifteen Year Blogiversary!

I’ve been blogging for fifteen years today! Craziness! Thank you William, for the photo! I love sharing/documenting my life here, and I appreciate all of you reading and commenting! To celebrate, I will be giving away two $15 gift cards to either Amazon or...