Oops, I missed my Blogiversary on July 21 because I was in Iowa having fun with my friends and family… then I kind of forgot about it until now.

Me on July 21 (ha, this was not supposed to be a photo – we thought we were recording me hiding a rock!)

Better late than never! My blog turned 18 years old on July 21! Woo hoo!

In 2022, I thought about quitting blogging. It felt like a chore and obligation, and I wasn’t enjoying it anymore. I was unhappy, and not enjoying a lot of things that I used to.

But since I’ve focused on taking better physical and mental care of myself this year, my mood has improved, and I’m enjoying it again! I was surprised to see my love for blogging come back.

So anyway, thanks, as always, for reading and commenting! (And don’t feel bad if you read and don’t comment – people apologize to me about this, but it’s not something I think about. In fact, I forget people are reading at all, so comments are sometimes a surprise.)