• Steven took the FAA Written Knowledge Exam last Friday, and passed! I’m so proud of him! It’s an interesting/confusing process. He had to take practice exams at home, pass them, and get an “endorsement certificate” from the practice test company to say that he was ready to take the knowledge exam. And he had to take and pass the knowledge exam to get endorsed to do a required longer cross country flight. After he does that flight (it’s scheduled for next week with a backup the following weeK) and a few other specific flying hours he can sign up for the oral exam and final check flight.

  • Have you seen the new Discovery mug series at Starbucks? Ugh. I cannot collect another series! I wonder if this means they are phasing out the Been There series?! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME STARBUCKS. ($$$$$)

  • I’ve been focusing on getting more sleep after the marathon, and am glad to see my body battery increasing. I was averaging 6 hours of sleep (or less!) a day in Colorado and that’s not enough. We were going to bed early enough, I just couldn’t sleep. Horrible timing for that.

  • I have a mani/pedi today and am curious to see how beat up my toenails under my nail polish. I think three of my toenails are black, and one already feels loose. Ick.
  • The official FREE race photos came in yesterday. There was over 70 with me in them! I love that there were so many and that they are free. Of course, I don’t look like I am running in most of them. That’s okay! You can see what I mean about trying to smile for most of the race:

Leg 1 on the trail

Leg 1 in the stadium (the photo is edited (by them), it was not that dark out!)

Leg 2 at the lake (more accurate depiction of sunniness)

Leg 3 at the college (digging REAL deep to smile here)

Leg 4 on Colfax

A more accurate face on Leg 5 on the trail:

This lady was really annoying, and would run in front of me then stop to walk for a minute then get in front of me again for a minute to run, then walk for a minute, and so on. Please do your thing but not right in front of someone! Gah. I forgot how obnoxious that was until I saw this photo. And I know I don’t need to tell you which lady it is. (I looked her up and she had a much steadier paced race than me, so that method works! JUST BE AWARE.)

I love the finish line pics!

Me and Tiff

The relay team!

Leah, Trudy, Tiff, Val, me, & Steve

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 451