In what will be a surprise to ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NO ONE, continuing my regular frequency of strength classes (4-5 a week) while upping the running mileage to train for a marathon has left me feeling worn out and creaky. It became apparent to me right before we left for our trip. I was in class lifting the minimum (mostly because of a pulled muscle but still) and was like “I don’t remember the last time I’ve really pushed myself here! I’m just going through the motions.” Oops?

I was hopeful my almost-40 body would easily adapt to the increased mileage and still allow me to go all out in class, but hello reality! And science (especially gravity)!. Ha ha ha. This is where I really figured I would be – creaky and a little low on energy. I’d likely be here at peak week of marathon training regardless if I was lifting.

So! The marathon is three weeks from tomorrow. I have one more biggish week of running and am thinking about skipping a class to get some more sleep. Then I plan to cut down on running after the race (still doing one long run a week, but less than 15 miles) and get back to pushing myself at strength class.

That’s the plan for now anyway! I want to get back to the energy levels I felt before running so much (which is a bit of a conundrum – mentally I absolutely love all the running, but this is not sustainable year-round).

All that being said, I had a wonderful 20 miler yesterday. I’m a bit shocked, because my sleep has been garbage since we got back from Europe, and I woke up with a super low body battery, but I got out there and felt strong. A little bored at the end, but that won’t be the case at the race!