Do people still get pissy about gyms being crowded in January because of resolutioners? Probably?

My feeling is the exact opposite. I was excited for new folks to come work out at WWM at the beginning of the year. I have my best workouts when there are lots of people in class. I feed off of the energy of the room. Sometimes when I’m in a smaller class and don’t need to partner up at a station, I will ask someone if I can partner with them anyway so I push myself harder.

The holiday party! I think this photo is by Marissa-Gomez Photography. Trying to confirm.

So I was kind of bummed I didn’t meet any new people in the first couple weeks of the year! But yesterday there were FOUR new folks in class. Woo hoo! I introduced myself to them and partnered up with one. I hope they keep coming back at the rate that works for them!