I’m sad to report I missed our youngest nephews’ joint birthday party on Saturday in Iowa. Iowa got a lot of snow, then Illinois started to get a lot of snow, then the winds picked up, then the snow stopped, but the winds kept going (and THEN the temps dropped below 0°F).

Snow Friday am (stopped in front of our mailbox)

We learned the hard way in December 2022 not to travel on the open plain highways of Iowa when strong winds are blowing snow across. There’s nothing to block the snow and it causes super scary whiteout conditions. I remember my watch kept buzzing during that trip saying “Your heart rate is elevated. Do you want to do a breathing exercise?” No, what I want is this cLoWn who has been tailing us for 30 miles to GO AWAY. Sigh.

The good news is, Iowa has an excellent 511 app that shows road conditions very clearly – including photos from the plows, so I was able to make an informed decision not to go. Again, the bad news is I didn’t go. I’m going to try to visit later this month.

I feel like I jinxed myself by writing about this trip on my Things I’m Excited About in January post. Or… it could be January in the midwest. We’ll never know.

Let’s review that list though:

  • Relaxing and recharging at home ✔️
  • Prioritizing sleep and healthier eating ✔️
  • Going to William and Leo’s birthday party 🚫
    • Running with Dad while I’m in town? There’s still hope for this, Dad! I know you’re reading!
  • Quizzing Steven more from his Private Pilot 2024 Test Prep Book ✔️
  • Seeing how the ISU (Iowa State University) campus has changed
    • Maybe running on campus?

The only upside to not going is that I had a three-day weekend at home with no plans. See item 1: relaxing and recharging at home. On Friday afternoon I took a nap during the time I’d requested off for travel, then we had a chill evening of watching movies and painting. That nap was amazing. I’m still thinking about it.

Horrible pic of me but look at those three! Aww!

On Saturday I went to a strength workout at the gym then ran on an indoor track (at another gym). Then was busy the rest of the day with errands and chores, but Steven and I finished the night with dinner at El Famous and a video call with my family (I had left our nephews’ birthday presents in Iowa in December so we watched them open them. I’m glad I did that!).

Sunday was so damn cold the only smart thing to do was stay inside (okay, and go outside briefly to resin rocks in the garage and take rock photos). I did a few chores, a little Fake Meats work, a short walk (on the treadmill!), then painted and quizzed Steven from his test prep book the rest of the day (with movies on, naturally). I’m going to be able pass this test by the time we’re done reviewing the book!

And on Monday I had plans to repeat Saturday – strength workout then run, but I felt so off* during my strength workout that I went home and showered then went to Immediate Care (I got in right away!), and got a prescription for antibiotics (which I was able to pick up right away!), then ran, then met Steven for lunch (at El Famous AGAIN!**), then did Fake Meats work when I got home and spent the evening listening to movies and painting.

**When I told my snis we were eating there again she said “omg lol I can’t believe you guys aren’t sick of that place yet,” and so I sent her this pic with “I can’t wait to eat this exact same thing I had for dinner sat night.” Ha. I ran 10 miles yesterday then ate that. It was delicious. I could eat it again right meow. 

So yeah. I intended to whine about missing the party (which was a success with the cutest decorations and food!) but say it was nice to have a little unplanned quiet at home… and you ended up with a short recap of my weekend. You’re welcome…??? Ha ha.

I mentioned I want to quit rushing around so much, and actually stop and think if the stacking of errands/chores/workouts/whatever I am doing is beneficial or making things worse for me. I’ve been scoring my days. Friday and Sunday got an A, Saturday and Monday got a C. Maybe I will report out on the scores for January at the end of the month.

*There’s like a whole other post here about how amazing our bodies are about telling us some things. I knew immediately that things were NOT okay.