In yesterday’s post, I didn’t emphasis how extremely grateful I am that my mom wrapped all my Christmas presents* and several birthday presents. I dislike wrapping so much – I get upset every time I do it.

It comes down to me not being good at it, and being upset for long it takes, and still comes out looking like crap. Would it look better if I practiced more? Yes. Am I going to practice more? No. Am I trying to think of ways to get my mom to wrap our remaining Christmas gifts*? Yes. Ha ha.

But all that to say – thank you SO MUCH, Mom! You saved me time and a lot of aggravation, and now my gifts are beautifully wrapped and even have bows and ribbon and sh*t.

*Purchased so far, for my family. We still have to shop for Steven’s dad and brother. And I still have all of Steven’s birthday gifts** to wrap.
**This includes things his dad and brother send me to wrap 🫠🫠🫠