• How is it already May 18th?! What the F. This year is flying by, faster than any other I can recall.
  • I’m in the office today because a client will maybe meet with me and I came to the sad realization last night that that probably meant I should wear pants instead of jeans. Womp womp. Luckily I had a pair that fit! And a coworker I never get to see will be in today and we might get “coffee” (a chai for me), yay!

I had to get up at 3:40 to catch a train that would get me to the office in time for my 7:30 call. zzzzzzzzzzzz

  • My INR was the highest it’s ever been this Monday – 4.4. Um, it’s supposed to be between 2.5-3.0. I knew I was eating too much junk and fewer greens but that is just NUTS that it went so out of range. I’ve focused on eating my normal diet this week, and they had me skip a day of Warfarin. I go back in on the 25th and hope I am in range (or closer!).

I need to eat greens every day! They have Vitamin K that helps my blood clot. Seems counterintuitive but my dosage was dependent on how many greens I was having before so when I ate less I clotted even slower. 

  • Jury Duty was such a delight. I was laughing or smiling for so much of it. Has anyone else watched it? The premise is that it’s a documentary of a trial but everyone is an actor except one guy – and he doesn’t know it’s all fake. It sounds horrible and mean but it’s just incredibly endearing, sweet, and funny.
  • Fast X comes out tomorrow! We need to get tickets! It looks horrible, but we have to see it in the theater. Ha.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 405