This post is about weight loss and does mention a weight number. Please skip if that is not your thing!

I had an exciting NSV (non-scale victory) last week – I am on the last hole on my belt and ordered a new one! At the start of the year, I could barely close it on the first hole. Woo hoo!

Side note: I got a few compliments when I wore my hair all the way down Tuesday! That was nice!  I never wear it all the way down.

And, SV (scale-victory), my latest weigh-in began with a 1 instead of a 2! I haven’t seen that in a long time.

I feel really good physically (energy-wise, minimal body pain) and want to keep living a lifestyle that has me feeling that way as much (as it’s in my control) as possible. I just need to work on my mental game. In the past I’ve gotten to this part and stayed here for a while and something (I can’t pinpoint what) snaps and I stop caring. I don’t want to do that again.