Yesterday I got up and ran (well, did a run/walk!) before work. It felt so good to start my way that day!

This used to be my go to. I did it all the time. It was ingrained in me. It felt wrong if I didn’t start my day with a run outside. Running was my identity!

Then I got injured from overtraining (summer 2020) and couldn’t run like I wanted to. I shifted my identity focus to rock painter! (who runs sometimes).

Did I mention this was all during the pandemic and I was doing everything to the extreme? Running to the extreme (60+ mile weeks) because I had time to and it made me feel good. Reading a ton (100 books!) because I had time to and enjoyed it. Then, going all in on rock painting and making a ton of rocks to hide, and once I started my rock painting Instagram account, spending a ton of time on there.

So much time. So, so much time. Like, my daily screen time report was EMBARASSING.

Embarrassing, but purposeful. During the pandemic, when it wasn’t the best idea to meet up with people in real life, it gave me A LOT of connection, and I have formed relationships with amazing people around the world. Some of whom I consider very close friends now (and love spending time with in person).

I knew (and hoped! ha) that that passion and need for a digital connection would die out at some point, and I am happy to see it is now.

Because in the same way running was my entire identity, rock painting was becoming my entire identity, and I need more going on in my life.

So it feels good to be getting back to running, and shifting my priorities to be a bit more balanced. Less time on my phone. More time focusing on my health and wellness. More time in the real world, even though the digital world was good to me too (and I am still on there, just purposefully not as much).