Does anyone have a tailor who doesn’t say snide things to them when they drop their clothes off for alterations? Is that even a thing?


Steven and I have only every experienced the opposite – the tailor who needs to make a comment on why the clothes don’t fit you.

Yesterday he dropped off two of my rain jackets to have the armpit sewn back together – I have three of these jackets (I use two for exercise and one as a regular jacket) and all three have had the right armpit rip. I like the jacket and wanted them fixed.

The tailor’s comment? “Maybe the jacket is too tight.”

Ha. Who cares TF if it’s too tight or not! Just fix it please?!

We just laugh about it. The same tailor said to Steven, we he dropped off a jacket to have it let-out for an upcoming memorial service, “you don’t want to lose weight?” Ha. He said he wanted to say “actually, I plan to get fatter.”

A tailor we used to use told me my wedding dress looked too tight two days before the wedding. Thanks…? Also… you just took the measurements and made these changes so… is that on me or you? (That place was called John’s Tailor Touch and we used to call it JTT for short, and we changed it to JDTT – John’s Douchey Tailor Touch.”)

Anyway. We do just laugh, but I had to share these, because, WTF.