- I think I have work travel coming up! It will be my first time on a plane since March 2020. I am going to Washington, DC.
- And I KNOW I have a special trip coming up with my snister and Ella! I am so excited! And today is her birthday! Happy Birthday, Snis!

- Yesterday was new mani day! Lorena is on holiday so I went with something simple.

- Yesterday a colleague at work asked me how the new position was going then told me what I was feeling wasn’t valid. Ha. Thanks for asking, then. It’s funny, I am used to that from toxically positive people, but did not expect that from them. My director is involved with making my new position better, and my supervisor is back from maternity leave and is focused on it, so I am feeling hopeful.
- I just finished French Braid by Anne Tyler, which explores one family’s dynamics over many decades. I love a messy family book. It’s a character-driven novel with not much going on, but I really enjoyed it!
- I also finished Full by Julia Spiro last week, which is about an influencer who checks in to rehab for her bulimia. Trigger Warnings galore, but I also really enjoyed this one. It was very current!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 371
When people invalidate how I’m feeling is the WORST. Why even ask, then?!?! BLERGH. I’m sorry this person didn’t offer the support you needed! I really hope thing start getting better.
I knew you would get it! And after they told me that I shut down and then they vented to me about their stuff and I just listened. I know not to share how I feel with them every again!