• This week we started having the cats eat in the same room (before they would eat with Ned behind the gate shown in the photo). It’s going decently! Starbuck sometimes runs away when she sees him, and sometimes doesn’t. She’ll be the last to come around to him. But Ned can walk up to Apollo and Khali and they won’t run away IF he is not chasing them or walking up to swat them. Which he sometimes is. Sigh.

  • The baby blanket is coming along! I have 75 rows out of 200 done. If I was really ambitious I would try to knit 25 today to get to 100 rows knitted in a week/half way done in a week (I started it last Friday) but no. That would require many hours of knitting and probably lead to mistakes. I think I will take a break today and paint.

  • I started taking written notes again at work meetings to bring my focus back. I am so so so burned out on digital meetings. So very.
  • We’ve both been so tired this week. I am totally NOT looking forward to losing an hour of sleep this weekend, but I won’t mind having it be dark in the mornings again! The sun is starting to wake me up! On that note, I haven’t set a wakeup alarm in over two years. Nuts! I’ll have to when we got back to the office in a month.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 354