My fifteen year runniversary on November 10th went unmentioned! I didn’t even run that day since I am running every other day (apparently I was last year too), on odd days, this month!

What did happen on November 10th? This one broke the modem. Ha.

I’ve cut back SO much on running this year, for several reasons:

  • I’m overweight and much slower and running takes more time and isn’t as enjoyable
  • I keep getting injured because I am overweight
  • I keep having to start over because of those injuries, etc.
  • AND… I have another hobby now – rock painting

Instead of being sad that I feel like a huge part of my identity is not being nourished, I am going to celebrate that running is NOT my main focus anymore. It was my main hobby and #1 priority for many years, and not always in a healthy manner. I’m glad I have another hobby to focus on and develop an unhealthy relationship with now!!!

All sarcasm aside, I am happy that I have a new hobby and community that comes along with it.