Highlight of the Week: Feeling so great and running so fast on Monday… dun dun dun.

Monday | March 29, 2021: 5 m run
Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 61°/63°, Time: 53:27, Pace: 10:41 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong
Tuesday | March 30, 2021: 2.6 m walk (w/Steven)
Wednesday | March 31, 2021: strength + 4.5 m run
Run location: VP Woods, Temp: 34°/34°, Time: 52:52, Pace: 11:45 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good until my knee gave out
Thursday | April 1, 2021: 2.3 m walk
Friday | April 2, 2021: 2.25 m walk (w/Steven)
Saturday | April 3, 2021: strength
Sunday | April 4, 2021: 1.2 m walk (w/Steven)


  • It’s now “holy sh*T, the wind!” season. My Monday run was insane, with a steady 22 mph wind and gusts in the mid 30s. But I wrapped my buff around my ears to drown out the whistling, turned the Drive on, and ran fast!
  • Ugh, my Wednesday run. First, I stupidly wore the shorts I lifted in to run. It was too cold for shorts, and definitely too cold for sweaty shirts. Brr. Then my knee randomly gave out toward the end of the run. Sigh. I really hope it’s related to Monday’s fast run and Wednesday’s cold weather and not my knee issue coming back. But all of a sudden my gait was off. GRRRRR.
  • And… my knee continued to hurt all week. Walking was mostly fine, but any stairs or a steep slope put my knee in a lot of pain (I had to do two feet on each stair until today, which was taking me forever in our house). Gah, this sucks. I was just getting really excited about running again. All the more reason to keep strength training and working on losing weight. I am carrying a lot of extra weight that doesn’t help my knee! I will rest until it feels better. But the nice weather REALLY makes me want to run.
  • Monthly recap! In March I ran 88.6 miles (16 runs). My coldest run was 25°F and my warmest was 64°F. I walked 9 times!!! That’s a lot for me and I think most (all?) of those were with Steven or friends. I did 10 strength workouts.

Link to Training Week 597