• I told my nail technician about the forest preserve where everyone is hiding rocks right now and she went there for a walk with her daughter and look at her rock haul! I was so excited she found all these, and that she text me about it. I didn’t have her number at the beginning of the pandemic and it really bugged me that I couldn’t directly check in with her. I’m glad I have it now and as someone who tends to be overbearing, I’m really proud of myself for not bugging her <– sad but true. I’ve really stepped back on reaching out to people because I’m a bit much but also…

  • … I’m so burnt out from being in meetings and talking to people all day at work that I don’t feel like being social after work. Sorry if you’ve chatted with me lately and gotten deflated Kim in return.
  • If you use gmail, do you have the “nudges” options turned on – where it brings emails to the top of your inbox that you haven’t responded to or gotten responses back on? I just turned it back on for responses back to emails I’ve sent because I couldn’t keep track of all the requests I’ve been sending out in my head anymore, and my calendar was full of reminders to follow up with people.
  • When I found out my library card was expiring I requested hard copy books so I’d have things to read when I didn’t have a card, but now they’re all due and can’t be renewed and I feel very guilty that I still have them – even though there are not late fees and the only penalty to overdue books is you can’t take out more material (which I can’t anyway). I am such a rule follower, it really bothers me. But I haven’t taken them back yet <– insert cat making home alone face.
  • I’m sad to say, when podcast listening, I haven’t prioritized my reading podcasts since I don’t have a library card anymore. Eek! I’ll get back to them (and Libby (our e-library) may still work – I haven’t checked).
  • I haven’t talked about what we’ve been watching lately. Now that we have Discovery+ our lunch time show is Treehouse Masters which is a lot of fun, even though it’s incredibly formulaic (so far). The only bad part is that I can’t successfully paint and watch it – I really need to see what they’re doing to appreciate the show!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 315