Well, it took almost a year of working at home, but I had an a ha moment about something I do that makes working at home much more stressful!

This picture is actually two months old, from December 8th

I am often in meetings all day, and it feels more stressful than it did when I was in meetings all day in the office.

And I JUST NOW figured out why. Derp.

When I was in the office, I was completely present in those meetings. I wasn’t looking at four screens, watching emails, phone calls, and chat requests come in. I had my phone put away. I had no idea how many other requests were coming in. I saw them when I was done with meetings and dealt with them then, or the next day.

But now, as I sit at my desk at home, I see all of that. And it makes me anxious AF to respond to things right away, even though I know I don’t need to. That’s just how I am.

The solution is to turn off email, phone, and chat (I still need all my screens for reference documents and note taking) but will I do that? Probably not.

But at least I’ve figured out the difference!

I’ve been in my new position 3.5 weeks and I am really liking it! I told someone this and they were like “of course, it’s the honeymoon phase.” Ha. I hope that is not it!