A lot of people share their anxious, unescapable thought cycles (thank you for sharing!) – like reliving past mistakes, thinking about things you said that could be misconstrued, embarrassing moments, etc. – and I want to share the crippling compulsive thought process I have. Maybe someone can make me feel better by relating?

Here’s a recent example from Sunday. I started my run (or so I thought) with sunglasses on my head and realized a mile in that they were gone. Did I leave them in the car? Did the fall off on the trail? Did someone take them? Would I ever find them? Should I run back to the car, retracing my steps? What happened to them?

Once I realized they were gone these thoughts were ALL I could think about until I knew what was going on with my sunglasses. For an entire mile, I wondered where they were. I told myself they were “free” and cheap to replace. I told myself maybe someone found them and left them. I tried to reassure myself. But I could NOT stop thinking about them. And it was making me crazy.

So I ran back toward my car and found them. Then chilled out.

These are small inconsequential things but I HATE how they consume my mind. Luckily I was by myself and it only affected me, but if something like this happens when I am with Steven or a group, it definitely affects my behavior and concentration. Heaven forbid I:

  • Spill something on myself, and can’t stop thinking about it until I take it off and put it in the wash
  • Notice a hangnail and can’t stop thinking about it until I trim it off or pick at it
  • Paint something that I don’t like and feel upset until I put it in a different room
  • Have a thought for a blog post in my mind and can’t do anything else until I write it down

It’s just such an odd thing, getting these thoughts or action items in my head and not being able to do anything else until I “resolve” them.

People love me for it at work though, because I am obsessive about getting things done. It also makes work a bit more stressful than it needs to be!