I’m not a goal-maker, but gah, January was a bit of a personal self-care sh*t show, and I need to focus on a few things this month if I’m going to feel better, while work is still nuts:

Format below is:
GOAL | how I’ll measure it

DRINK MORE WATER | 5-6 24 oz bottles a day
Not surprisingly, when I am on calls all day, I drink less water so I have to pee less. But I’ve been getting dehydration headaches and that’s not cool.

MOVEMENT EVERY DAY | tracked in weekly training recap
I am busy, the weather is iffy, it’s dark out, wah, but we have weights and a treadmill and a bike trainer, so I can do some sort of movement each day, even if it’s a 15 min walk.

4 WALKS WITH FRIENDS/FAMILY | tracked in weekly training recap
It’s good for my body, but more importantly, my mental health. But the weather for the next week might kill two of my planned walks so we’ll see!

SET UP AFTERSHOKZ HEADPHONES | I’ll report back if I do!
I received these as swag from the Ali on the Run Live Show, but I feel very very lazy about setting up new technology.

MAKE EARLY WAKEUPS PRODUCTIVE | Eek! Hard to measure! I will know if I was productive though.
I am still waking up too early a lot of days. I’m either up for an hour or two around 3:00 or 4:00 am, then try to go back to bed, which unfortunately makes me feel more tired when I eventually wake up. SO! If I wake up early, I want to be productive. Only about 20 mins of social media scrolling (it’s not doomsday scrolling, this is when I usually go on my rockstagram (not sure if that’s an actual thing, but I like to say it)) then try to read, then get up if that doesn’t put me back to sleep.

Good news – Steven got the cats an automatic feeder for their dry food, so if they get used to it, maybe they will pester that thing instead of me

Bad new – Starbuck is not assertive enough to push her way into the bowl to get any food. We are hoping to separate in three ways so she has her own bowl.

READ 3 BOOKS | tracked in Reading Update post
That feels like a good pace! As long as the books aren’t too long, I think I can do it!

PLAY WITH THE CATS EACH DAY | Also hard to measure!
I am going to try to link playing with them to some activity or time so it becomes a habit for me (so far I am playing with them when I cook my breakfast and dinner)! I will report back.

FINISH BRIDGERTON | finish it, ha
It’s kind of sad how long it takes me to finish a TV show I watch on my own. Unfortunately I only listened to episodes 1-4.5 but started watching 4.5 on the treadmill and actually looked at it. I bet I can finish it if I keep walking on the treadmill.

NO EXTRA SPENDING | only spend on groceries, household items, gifts
I treated myself to a few things in January – two new winter-ish coats for exercise, two pairs of fleece lined tights I hope actually fit (they do, yay!), something I can’t share cause I got one for snis too, and some moisturizer. It’s time to take a break. Although I think I might need some more B&W paint pens… eek!

Ha, a new Starbucks opened next to an Aldi and it’s just natural to get a chai on the drive home! Add that to the other times I treat myself, and I was getting it 2-3 times a week. It’s a treat. Once is fine. (Unless I am traveling then more than once is ok!)