I have a confession – while I LOVE glitter (I think I have glitter nail polish on 50% of the year), it has to be CONTAINED. I don’t like the kind that you touch and it spreads everywhere, and you’re finding it years later. Ew.

So the real confession is that anytime we receive a card in the mail that is loaded with glitter we very carefully open it, read it, then usually put it right in the trash. Horrible, I know. But those cards make such a mess!

I figured something out though! BIG LIFE HACK TIP AHEAD:

If you put mod podge on the glitter, it will contain it!*

Exhibit A:

I am touching this glittery “4” and none of it came off because I sealed it with mod podge. Woot woot!

Steven wanted to keep this card because it has a drawing in it by Luca, and now we can! And without spreading glitter all over our house! And it can be displayed, too!

Yes, we still have our holiday cards up – we are still receiving them!

*So, that asterisk… I have only tried this once, with this one card… I have no idea if it will work on all cards, or gift bags, or what not. But I am definitely going to try it on things we want to keep around for awhile!