Before I show you these rock pics I have to tell you an icky story.

I was varnishing rocks last night while talking on the phone with my mom and had my drink next to the varnish container with the lid off and I was distracted and guess what happened?

I took a drink out of the varnish container.

I immediately realized what I did, spit it out, rinsed my mouth out, then used mouth wash, but… it made me feel so mentally gross. For the rest of the night.

That won’t happen again.

On to the rocks!

I’ve worked on a lot of rocks over the last week+! Here they are, in chronological order of when I made them (not when I hid them).

Conversation hearts! These are just a little bigger than a quarter. When painting these, I realized I don’t have many small rocks – this was it! I hid these on Saturday with a friend.

A skunk with a heart! I am full in on Valentine’s Day themed rocks. My snis sent me this whoopee cushion pic for inspiration. I hid him on my run last Friday.

Baby Yoda! I hid him on my Sunday run.

CHONKY BIRBS!!!! These were popular in my Facebook group. They’re inspired by the artist Vicky Endangered. Follow her accountΒ – her designs are adorable. I hid these on my Saturday walk with a friend. (I started some other animals by this artist but only have two done and want to share the entire set together.)

I made these rocks of my home state with a heart with my hometown to hide the next time I go there.

Same idea for Illinois! Haven’t hidden these yet.

My snis commissioned these ninja turtles for her oldest son. I had the hardest time getting the rocks to accept the paint. Oddly enough, they did after one layer of fixatif and another layer of paint. Okay then.

I saw an ad for a “cat lady box” that had a design similar to this, so of course, I copied it. I hid this rock on my Wednesday run.

My snis sent me the next two tea towel pics, and I copied! I am giving this rock to my paternal grandma.

And I will hide this one at some point!

After deciding to give Grandma the cat rock, I decided to make her a raccoon, since she loves those too.

And that’s it…. for now!